5 tips to picking the photos that will get you results
1. Choose Personality over Vanity
Over many years of photographing headshots, I’ve noticed that often times a person picks a photo that’s “nice” – safe – flattering. My judgement is those things aren’t going to get them noticed.
I love it when folks take risks. When selections value personality over vanity. Most of us have an eye smaller than the other, and it’s easier to notice with a real energetic smile. So what?! Go for the real – go for the personality. Bring the heat.
If you’re with a good photographer they have coached you to make some risky choices, to dive deep psychologically. That’s where the gold is. Because that’s what we want as an audience of any type – we want truth and risk! Bring it and get noticed!
The image on the left is fine. It’s a nice smile. Flattering for her face etc. But the one one the right has the real energy! The real personality. It’s ok that the squinty eye is a bit more squinty! The one on the right is the better shot because it’s got more TRUTH!
2. Know Your Audience
Ask yourself, “Who is the most important person who will see my photo?” Then ask yourself, “What photos here show the real me I want them to see?” You can use those answers as a guide. For business people: do you know your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar)? If not, Google it. Actors, ask yourself, “What’s uniquely me that I can show agents and casting directors with my headshot selection?”
3. Use Different Photos for Different Forums
Your best photo for LinkedIn is not your best photo for Facebook, or your website. Who is your audience in those venues and which photo speaks to that audience best.
4. Know Your Purpose
What are you trying to accomplish with this photo in this particular context? For example, If you’re photo is going on your facebook business page, perhaps your purpose there is to show that you’re casual and hip. If so, then choose the photo you feel captures that
5. Ask for Help from Your Photographer
Your photographer should support their services after the photo shoot. Help your photographer help you by offering up your purpose, audience, and your favorites. Then ask them for some advice in choosing.
Happy selecting! Hopefully you have lots of great options to pick from. If not, schedule a new session with us!